Sunday, May 18, 2008

"We Think" - and the reply done by a student...

I just saw the video called "we think" on, then I happened to have seen this reply of this video made by a student - a 21st century learner! She shares her thoughts on the video and how she was really impressed. We can take a lot from this - if she can post her thoughts in a forum like youtube, and I can view them and take significance from them then it really shows how our world has evolved. What an exciting time! It also leaves the question and issue of responsibility - because what if she hated it and posted rude ideals - then it would be on the web forever! Thinking before posting is extremely important - and I think this all just re-enforces what we have been saying - that these values need to be brought to the attention of our students. Check it out!

Video 1 - We Think

Video 2 - Re:We Think

What do you think about this type of technology - giving the power to students to verbalize and visualize their thoughts in a powerful medium such as

1 comment:

  1. Wow...the girl in the video made some powerful comments...I especially liked the one about one person's idea beginning a giant snowball that could contribute to mankind and "our century."

    I think that as we rethink a lot of things about our world - like authorship, copyright, identity and ethics - new schools of thought will be created. This girl seems ok with the fact that her ideas will be used, shared and snowballed into something we being to "Fragment" ourselves, as George Siemens says, we contribute those fragments to others.
