Tuesday, August 05, 2008

update info, and COOL TOOLS!!!!

To answer a few questions to my fellow listeners.....
Life is good out here. I moved and got a job in the Horizon SD - so I am officially out of the division - which makes me sad, yet excited. I am hoping to keep contact will all of you through my blog and email, so keep in touch all - keep up the comments! I am getting married in the fall and look forward to spending more time with my fiance until then.

Enough about that!

Again and again I am always drawn back to my bloglines account and find the Cool Tool blog really interesting because of their varied and extreme tools and information that they post about. As you may have noticed, I have enjoyed reading about cool new technologies that "help" make life easier. I have been away from my computer for a while - at least blogging, and I have just recently looked at it, only to find more Cool Tool items - a few I would like to share with you:

Cool Tool: GoBidet
-a remote control toilet washer - a high-powered spray attachment that an adjustable arm attachment for your toilet!!! Check it out!!

Cool Tool: Best Home Chemistry Lab Book
-a kid friendly book with tons of chemistry experiments. Enhance your children's learning at home by blowing things up!! haha! Just kidding! :-) Check it out!!

Cool Tool: Sleeptracker Pro
-a watch that you wear to help track and monitor your sleeping patterns - it can figure out when you are at your most rested, when you are starting to wake up, etc. Very neat for people who are frequent travellers - especially across time zones and have trouble adjusting. It is a watch, an alarm and a life saver - Check it out!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, sorry to hear you are leaving us. Hopefully Horizon SD is good to you. Keep on blogging!
