Students have more information in the last 30 years, than in the last previous 5000 years which means if we follow this trend, that the information supply will double every 5 years.
We need to be "opening the windows to the world", and inserting more technology and more open-ended assignments by infusing technology into our curriculums.
-Media is the 5th element of language and curriculum. We see this in our viewing and representing strands of literacy in Saskatcheawn curriculum.
-We need to develop in our students/children:
Knowledge, critical thinking skills, values (such as empathy), communication skills, and information management skills
Media wants to evoke emotion - Kids need to be aware of triggers
Kids are media...
- Consumers
- Creators
- Distributors of Content
If parents want a good start on how to keep their kids safe when they are on the computer or the internet, they need to start out by being active parents in their child's life. Parents need to ask the hard questions, and discuss with their children what they are doing when on the computer - the typical answer of "just doing my homework" is not good enough, and likely not a whole truth. One of the most important things parents can do is not allow their children to have a computer in their room. Put the computer in a central location where you can see and everyone can use it.
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